Webinar Archive


Welcome to the webinar archive, which features presentations about current scientific and policy topics related to computational and in vitro toxicology. These videos are recorded as part of the ASCCT-ESTIV monthly webinar series, sponsored by ASCCT and the European Society for Toxicology In Vitro. They are organized by year using the horizontal menu below. Please feel free to view any webinar; you can search for keywords in the search bar at the top of the page. 

You can also view all of the webinars on our YouTube channel.

To learn more about upcoming webinars and other events, please visit our Event Calendar.  Finally, if you have suggestions for future webinars, please share them in the member Community Forum or by emailing [email protected].

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016-2015 | 2014-2011

2011-2014 Webinars

Threshold of Toxicological Concern – an approach for safety assessment and its applicability to cosmetics-related chemicals (July 2014)

Chihae Yang, Altamira, LLC and Molecular Networks

Medical Device Irritation Testing: An In Vitro Alternative (June 2014)

Kelly Coleman, Medtronic


COSMOS DB: A New Database of Toxicological Information to Support Knowledge Discovery (February 2014)

Mark Cronin, Liverpool John Moores University


High Content Imaging Approaches in Neurotoxicology and Neurodegeneration Research (December 2013)

Marcel Leist, University of Konstanz and CAAT Europe

EURL ECVAM's Approach to Validation of Alternative Methods
 (September 2013)

Valerie Zhuang, EURL ECVAM


Using the AOP Framework to Develop HTS Assays for Thyroid-Disrupting Chemicals
 (April 2013)

Katie Paul, US Environmental Protection Agency


Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Model Systems (December 2012)

Maureen Bunger, Cellular Dynamics


Incorporating New Technologies into Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment (August 2012)

Russell Thomas, The Hamner Institutes for Health Science


The Virtual Embryo (June 2012)

Nicole Kleinstreuer, US EPA 


Tox21 Program Update
 (April 2012)

Raymond Tice, National Toxicology Program, NIH


Evidence-Based Toxicology (EBT) for the 21st Century (February 2012)

Martin Stephens, Johns Hopkins University



MetaPath: A Metabolism Pathway Database (July 2011)
Presenter: Patricia Schmieder, US Environmental Protection Agency



Effectopedia: The Online Encyclopedia of Adverse Effect Pathways (September 2011)
Gilman Veith and Hristo Aladjov, International QSAR Foundation

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016-2015 | 2014-2011

For a list of our upcoming webinars and other events, please visit https://www.ascctox.org/upcoming-webinars