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NURA's NAMs Spotlight: Use of the gammaH2AX/pH3 in vitro genotoxicity method for genotoxicity mode of action determination in the context of chemical risk assessment.
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Category: Partner Webinar

In this one-hour webinar hosted by NURA, Marc Audebert, PhD, INRAE Research director and consulting scientist for Preditox, will present on the use of gammaH2AX/pH3 in vitro genotoxicity method for genotoxicity mode of action determination in the context of chemical risk assessment.

Additional information can be found at: https://www.PCRM.org/NURATraining

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8117254633950/WN_matjWyMwSp-6XUpWnXplhg

Contact: [email protected]