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RTI International Webinar: How to Characterize and Validate AI and In Vitro NAMs for Toxicity Testing
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Category: Partner Webinar

In this RTI International-hosted webinar, Dr. Nicole Kleinstreuer from NIEHS/NICEATM and Dr. Shaun McCullough from RTI International will discuss strategies to advance characterization and validation of AI and in vitro NAMs to provide solutions to challenges in toxicology, pharmaceutical, and biomedical research and decision making while decreasing our reliance on animal testing.

Additional details and registration can be found at: https://rtiorg.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-V8I1zJ0RgiTFLz5OVuNAg?amp_device_id=6aaee891-b1d9-49fe-8700-3bd1d46e3d24#/registration

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