Thank you to all who joined us in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina!! It was our biggest meeting yet and we look forward to continuing to grow the impact of the society and the meeting as a place where 21st-Century non-animal science and policy flourish across sectors, stakeholders, countries, and generations.
The meeting featured:
- Multiple oral and poster presentation sessions
- Regulatory-focused panel discussion
- A practical risk assessment workshop
- Continuing Education courses
- Presenter and travel awards
- Reception, mentoring, and other networking opportunities with regulatory, research, and industry toxicologists
We were thrilled to hold the meeting at the Research Triangle Institute International's (RTI) beautiful campus in Research Triangle Park, NC.
RTI International

The meeting would not be possible without our sponsors! Thank you the following organizations for their support.
The ASCCT offers a number of awards before and during the meeting. See below for information and visit the awards page to learn about past awardees.
Travel Awards
This year, ASCCT will be offering two travel awards in advance of the meeting, to assist with the costs of traveling to the meeting. Key details:
- The awards will cover meeting registration costs, plus travel, lodging, and food expenses (receipts must be provided).
- At least 1 award will be provided to someone from Mexico, Central, or South America
- At least 1 award will be provided to a student or post-doctoral trainee
Edward Carney Predictive Toxicology Award
Dr. Edward Carney was an active and dedicated member of the ASCCT, and a partner, mentor, and friend to many in our fields. His passion and leadership will continue to inspire investigators in in vitro and in silico toxicology through the Edward Carney Predictive Toxicology Award. This award will be provided to the first author of a winning presentation at each ASCCT annual meeting. The winner will receive a $500 cash award to assist with travel and/or research expenses.
Ray Tice Tox21 Student Award
Also, Dr. Ray Tice, a leader in the development and use of high-throughput test methods and other alternatives, established the Tox21 Student Award, which will be awarded to the graduate student first author of a winning poster or oral presentation. The winner will receive a $500 cash award to assist with travel and/or research expenses.
Suzanne Fitzpatrick Student Travel Award
Dr. Suzanne Fitzpatrick has been a leader in facilitating the evaluation and use of NAMs for FDA-regulated products for many years. In recognition of this, she was awarded the William and Eleanor Cave Award in 2020, and with those funds Dr. Fitzpatrick has generously established a student travel award. One award will be available to reimburse travel expenses (up to $1000) for a student (any level) flash or PDF poster presenter.
Poster Awards
Awards will be given for Flash and PDF poster presenters. Amounts to be determined.